One question we frequently get at the Carmel Swim Academy occurs before registration for a session begins. Our customer portal is a great tool for our families to utilize for scheduling swim lessons, requesting and applying makeup tokens, making payments, and more, but there is a system default that occasionally confuses people. We wanted to take a moment to demystify this question.
Before CSA staff opens registration for a session, our Senior Director will email all families with an account that you can login to our customer portal to see the schedule of available classes. When you click the link, the Customer Portal displays how many spots are available to register for within the given class. The text will be red or green, depending on the number of available places for swimmers in that specific class.
Here’s where it gets interesting: our software default will display the available spots text in red for any class with four spots or less, and green for any class with five spots or more open. People are often curious why those available numbers look low before a session is even open for registration… well, the answer lies in one of the key Carmel Swim Academy features that makes our programs stand out in central Indiana: our low student:teacher ratios!
All Carmel Swim Academy swim lessons prioritize low student to teacher ratios to maximize every swimmer’s water safety. CSA’s Hydros Series, for three and four-year-old swimmers carries a student to instructor ratio of 3:1 throughout all three of its levels. Similarly, the Neptune Series, for swimmers ages five and six holds that ratio of 3:1 for all three Neptune levels. Before registration even opens, our customer portal will display (in all red caps!) “3 LEFT!”. Please rest assured, no one has registered for that program yet, there have only ever been and only will be three spots available in that class.
This same display remains while enrollment is ongoing, and counts down as spots to fill, indicating when classes are full by displaying “Waitlist”.
We hope this helps dispel any confusion about why availability for a desired class might look limited before registration is open. It’s because there are only ever supposed to be limited students for each teacher! If you have further questions, please contact us at 317-669-6480.